
Health and safety


Sick Children

We have a health room with limited space which can provide short-term respite for students who become ill during the day. If a child becomes ill or is injured during the day, every attempt will be made to contact the parents. If this fails, the school will notify a nominated emergency contact person to collect the child. It is not advisable to send children to school if they are sick.  A child who is unwell will not benefit from attending – even if he or she insists otherwise – and may infect others. First Aid will be given to children who are injured and Ambulance/Parents/Doctor contacted if required.

Please advise the school if your child contracts head lice or an infectious disease so that other parents can be notified. Children with some medical conditions will require a period of ‘Time Out’ from school to prevent the spread of infectious diseases among staff and children.

Head Lice

It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child’s hair is checked regularly. If a student is identified with head lice, parents will be contacted and a note sent home to advise families in the class.

Emergency Contacts

In the case of an accident every effort will be made to contact parents/caregivers. Our contact records include home, mobile, work, and emergency phone numbers. It is essential that parents ensure they have nominated emergency contact people and that phone numbers are current. Please notify school office staff in writing of changes to this information as soon as possible.


We are bound by departmental regulations regarding administering medication to children. Parents must provide:

  • a letter from a Doctor with details of the medication, and specific times and prescribed dosage for administration; and 
  • a parental note of authority to administer medication to the child Please note that:• we are not able to give non-prescribed oral medications e.g. analgesics;
  • we are not able to give injections, intravenous or otherwise;• asthmatics are responsible for taking their own medication at school. Students are able to keep medication in their school bags or desks for easy access.

Sun Safety

Petrie is a SunSmart school. Please support our efforts to make this a 100% hat wearing school.  The only hats acceptable hats for outdoor activities are wide brimmed surf hats and legionnaire’s hats.

Students who do not have a hat at school will be required to stay in a covered area.

Evacuations and Lock Downs

Procedures have been adopted which allow for speedy evacuation or lock down in cases of emergency; and regular drills are undertaken once a term.  When using school facilities, please familiarise yourself with the evacuation procedures displayed in all rooms.

Accident Insurance

Some school activities and physical education, particularly contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury. The Department of Education, Training and Employment does not have student accident insurance cover for students. If your child is injured at school as a result of an accident or incident, all costs associated with the injury, including medical costs, are the responsibility of the parent or caregiver. Some incidental medical costs may be covered by Medicare. If you have private health insurance, some costs may also be covered by your provider. Any other costs must be covered by parents. Student accident insurance pays some benefits in certain circumstances should your child have an accident.

It is up to all parents to decide what types and what level of private insurance they wish to arrange to cover their child. Please contact your insurer or an approved Australian insurance broker if you wish to take out student personal accident insurance cover for your child.

Last reviewed 07 May 2020
Last updated 07 May 2020