Parent Information Sessions
Early in Term 1 a session is held to give parents an overview of the year level work, proposed year level and class activities and the routines and expectations for each class.
Parent sessions may also be held on other relevant topics as the need arises. Parents will be advised as these programs become available.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent interviews are an important part of the partnership between the school and home. They are an opportunity for teachers and parents to talk about how the student is performing at school, and what their goals are. They also send a message to students – that we are a team working together to support them and meet their needs. A strong partnership between the school and home is a proven contributor to student success at school.
Formal face-to-face interviews are conducted in Term 1 and Term 3. However, parents are encouraged to make contact with the classroom teacher at any time.
Phone or Email Communication
Parents wishing to talk with class teachers are asked to ring before or after class learning time. Alternatively, parents may request for the teacher to return their call during the break or at another convenient time, or they can request an appointment. Email is a very effective means of communication, and many teachers use class communication books or newsletters.