Classroom Music
Petrie has a full-time specialist music teacher. All classes have weekly scheduled music lessons. Classroom music lessons involve singing, playing instruments, listening, moving, improvising and composing by using the music elements to express ideas. Each lesson is 30 minutes in duration.

Instrumental Music Program
Selected students may join the Instrumental Program to learn how to play strings, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Students begin learning string instruments from Year 3 while the wind and percussion instruments are taught from Year 4. Instrumental lessons are conducted in school time, once a week. Each of these lessons is 30 minutes in length and is conducted on a group basis with 3-8 students learning together.
Tuition is available for:
STRINGS: Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass
WOODWIND: Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto & Tenor Saxophone
BRASS: French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, and Euphonium
PERCUSSION: Drums, Mallets and Auxiliary Percussion
Information is sent home in Term 4 regarding the recruitment process for the following year. Notification of successful placements occurs before the end of the school year. There is an expectation that students will take on a 3-4 year commitment to the program, which includes involvement in the String Ensemble or School Band. Rehearsals are held before school. The instrumental groups perform throughout the year at school events, and often at other venues and events in the local area.

Music Uniform
Petrie State School has a music uniform that is hired through the school. This uniform has been provided by the P&C Association.
Junior Singers
Students in Years 1&2 may choose to be involved in the Junior Singers group. This group rehearses at lunch time and performs throughout the year at school events.
Senior Singers
Students in Years 3-6 may choose to be involved in the Senior Singers. Rehearsal is held before school once a week. This group performs throughout the year at school events and often at other venues and events in the local area such as Choral Fest, Fanfare, the Pine Rivers Show, Sing4Joy.
Creative Generation – State Schools on Stage
Each year Petrie participates in Creative Generation. This involves dancers, singers and musicians from Queensland state schools showcasing their talent by starring in a professionally produced show alongside some of Queensland’s leading professional artists. Petrie participates as members of the 600+ voice massed choir.