Petrie State School is committed to providing a safe, supportive and inclusive environment which maximises the educational opportunities and outcomes for all students. The school recognises that for optimal learning to take place, we must provide an inclusive, supportive environment.
All students, staff and community members are expected to conduct themselves in a lawful, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects the rights of others.
Our school community has identified the following values to teach and promote our high standards of responsible behaviour:
- Respect property
- Respect others
- Respect learning
- Respect yourself
POLY the Parrot is our friendly reminder to students of these values. POLY is featured prominently in classrooms and all around the school.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Petrie uses Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) to improve academic and behavioural outcomes for all students. It is based on clear expectations that can be applied and taught in every context. Positive Behaviour for Learning has also been known as School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support.
To support students to use responsible behaviour we ensure that as a school we explicitly teach expectations and routines, target support and have individualised support systems in place.
Our expectations at Petrie State School are based on our POLY values –
Respect for Property,
Respect for Others,
Respect for Learning, and
Respect for Yourself.

The POLY High Five Expectations help students make positive choices.
What does PBL look like?
In the classroom:
- Classroom expectations, routines and cues are taught and encouraged
- Active supervision is evident
- Re-directions for minor, infrequent behaviour errors
- Effective and engaging curriculum
Outside the classroom:
- Positive expectations and routines are taught and encouraged.
- Active supervision by all staff
- Reminders
- Positive reinforcement
At a School Wide level:
- It is displayed clearly around the school
- All staff know and use the expectations
- Students are able to state the expectations
- Students are recognised for appropriate behaviours
- Positive relationships
- Orderly environment
- Data is collected and used for decision making
- High expectations for both learning and behaviour
- Families are actively included
Petrie’s Student Code of Conduct 2020 - 2023, is based on Education Queensland's Code of School Behaviour can be downloaded from this website, or is available from the Office.