Daily routine
When students
arrive at school - 8:30am, they must go to their supervised designated year level area and remain seated, chatting with friends,
until the 8.50 am bell. When the bell goes, students line up in class
groups and when dismissed, move to their classrooms. Instruction at Petrie State
School begins at 8.50 am. If a student arrives before the 8:30am bell, students are to go to the administration building and remain seated until dismissed to their designated year level area.
Playgrounds and play
equipment should not be used before 8.50 am as they are not supervised and are
out of bounds. There are staff members rostered on duty in the bus pick-up areas after
school, but there is also no staff supervision of play facilities when school
concludes at 3.00 pm.
Outside School Hours Care
is provided by PCYC from 6.00 am - 6.00 pm each day.
Bell 8.30
starts 8.50 am
Break Play 11.00 am - 11.30
First Break Eating 11:30 am - 11:50 am
Break Play 1.30
pm - 1.45 pm
Break Eating 1.45 pm - 2.00 pm
finishes 3.00